On Wednesday June 3, 2020 there will be a BBQ benefit for Cleveland Fire Chief, Sean Anderson.
Location: Bailey's BBQ 140 Truly Plaza - ( In The HEB Truly Plaza Shopping Center ) Cleveland, TX 77327 11am to 7pm A percentage of each and every sale will go towards Sean Anderson.
Sean Anderson a devoted Husband, Father, Son and Fire Chief.
Chief Anderson and his wife of 14 years, Randi have 3 children and 5 Grandchildren.
He has been with Cleveland Fire Department for over 20 years,
During his years with CFD , Chief Anderson has served several capacities.
The past 5 years he has been and is Cleveland Fire CHIEF .
He has Helped so many over the years and NOW Chief Sean Anderson is in NEED of Your HELP.
On Tuesday May 19,02020 He Had Major Open-Heart Surgery and remains in the Hospital
ALL Help in Assistance and Support of this Benefit for Chief Anderson and his Family Would be Greatly Appreciated
Please Help Out if you can and If you are not Financially Able to help Please keep Chief Anderson his Family and All involved in your Thoughts and Prayers
Thank You God Bless
Cleveland TX Fire Department Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/clevelandtxfire/
The City of Cleveland Facebook Page- https://www.facebook.com/cityofclevelandtx/
WEBSITE City of Cleveland- http://www.clevelandtexas.com/?fbclid=IwAR0nmSXXoCOXW2dh0opVkpSCAcAb7K74xm1DV5_LaU-nAuqDb5QTN-EnwCo