June 23, 2022 Joint Meeting and Public Hearing with Zoning Commission & City Council
1. The public hearing will consider the following items:
a) Preliminary recommendation from Zoning Commission and to make a final recommendation and consider possible action to deny or approve to adopt an ordinance amending the City’s comprehensive plan and rezoning the following from
R1 Residential/Central Business District to HD-High Density.
b.Property known as 307 Harding Ave, Lots 3 & 4, Block 34 of Noble Garvey Subdivision
2. Close Public Hearing – Zoning Commission will leave Chamber Chambers to continue their meeting in the Boardroom. Council may take action if Zoning Commission returns with their formal recommendation which is in the Discussion and Action section.
Presentations and Public Comments
3. Presentation by Code Enforcement on nuisance issues
4. Presentation by Terry Woodson with Waste Management on her replacement due to retirement 5. Public Comments. Any person with City related business may speak to Council. In compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not discuss, or vote on any matter raised in public comments unless it is specifically on the agenda. To speak during a council meeting, you must be recognized by the Presiding Officer. PUBLIC COMMENT WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES. Complete the Public Comments form and turn into the City Secretary prior to the start of the meeting. 6. Reports and comments from City Council, Mayor or City staff. Regarding matters appearing on the agenda; recognition of community members, city employees, or upcoming events.
Consent Agenda
All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember requests an item be removed and considered separately
Consideration and possible action on (following):
7. Approval of Monthly Financial Report
8. Approval of Minutes from May 17, and May 24, 2022 City Council meetings
9. Reappointment of board member positions 2, 4, 6 & 8 for Tax Reinvestment Zone 1 (McKinley Homes).
10. Approval for purchase of replacement pro-turn 252 54” mower in the amount of $9,700 from LoneStar Outdoor Power Equipment from the recent break-in at the East Plant
Discussion and Action
11. Discussion with Bobby Howell on form of payment for space occupied on his property for the city owned Train Depot with consideration and possible action by city council.
12. Consideration and possible action on amendment no. 1 to Utilities Service Agreement between Cleveland MUD District 1 and City of Cleveland to expand the number of Certificates of Occupancy from 200 to 210
13. Consideration and possible action on going out for a Request for Qualifications for engineering for the 12” water line project located at the new Elevated Storage Tank off FM 2025
14. Consideration and possible action on going out for a Request for Qualifications for Engineering for East & West Wastewater Treatment Plants TCEQ Permit Renewals
15. Consideration and possible action on going out for a Request for Qualifications to select an engineering firm to provide general engineering/plan review services for the City of Cleveland.
16. Consideration and possible action on an ordinance of the City of Cleveland, Texas, amending sections 118-4, 118-5, subsection (1) of 118-127 and subsection (1) of 118-179 of the Code of Ordinances relating to cost of boring, cost of street cuts, water and sewer tap fees; providing for severability; providing for repeal.
17. Consideration and possible action on agreement with South Cleveland Water Supply for an emergency water supply interconnect and if needed, authorize Mayor to sign agreement
18. Consideration and possible action on approval of Specific Service Agreements with Lonestar Logos Texas for hotel highway road signs and give City Manager authority to approve without Council consideration every year (paid from HOT funds)
19. Consideration and possible action to accept or deny formal recommendation of Zoning Commission to adopt or deny an ordinance of the City of Cleveland, Texas, amending the City’s code of ordinances by adopting a Revised Official Zoning Map by rezoning 307 Harding Ave, Lots 3 & 4, Block 34 of Noble Garvey Subdivision from R1- Residential/Central Business District to HD-High Density District
Agenda Link - https://www.clevelandtexas.com/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_06212022-870