On May 1st, the first phase of opening Texas begins.
Businesses, employees and customers all need to work together and take safety steps to protect each other.
Your first safety step is to read Office of the Governor Greg Abbott's Report to Open Texas: http://ow.ly/OW0V50zto3j
Please read and follow the Open Texas Safety Checklists: All employers: http://ow.ly/R2Nk50ztpLI
Individuals: http://ow.ly/Qf4m50ztsRO
Retailers: http://ow.ly/5PHT50ztooM
Retail-to-go: http://ow.ly/949T50ztosd
Retail customers: http://ow.ly/B7aa50ztoqp
Restaurants: http://ow.ly/IZdx50ztoC2
Restaurant customers: http://ow.ly/CoUm50ztoFH
Movie theaters: http://ow.ly/GLj450ztoSV
Movie theater customers: http://ow.ly/Yn3n50ztoUZ
Museums and libraries: http://ow.ly/SLIj50ztpiU
Museum and library visitors: http://ow.ly/cfHH50ztpl3
Churches and places of worship: http://ow.ly/jlMe50ztpId
Single person offices: http://ow.ly/Bn8z50ztpKO
Outdoor sports participants: http://ow.ly/FRoi50ztptA
All checklists: http://ow.ly/Wmif50ztpNn