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Writer's pictureRay Chappell - CTSN

Speaker Box Paid for with Counterfeit $$

While A Night Shift Officer with Splendora PD was out on patrol, a citizen waved down the office and alerted them of a possible bad transaction they had just encountered.

The officer immediately began an investigation.

During the investigation it was the suspect who was later identified as Travis Deaton had made arrangements to buy speaker box and an amp from the citizen for $600.

After the transaction the the citizen tried to use the money for a purchase. That's when he discovered the money was counterfeit.

After a investigation utilizing Montgomery County Real Time Crime Center, officers were able to track down Travis and discovered he had a Felony Warrant out of Liberty County. Officers went to Travis's house and made contact.

Travis was detained and placed in custody for the warrant. Travis was questioned about the Counterfeit money shortly after.

The investigation is still open at this time and additional charges are pending.

Property was returned to the original owner who was very excited to get his property back.


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